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The Scroll blog, written by content designers
for content designers
What does accessible really look like?
A website can pass an accessibility audit with flying colours, yet still not be accessible to a considerable number of the people who need to use it. Don’t let your accessibility audit become a compliance tick-box, it’s not enough.
What I learned delivering Scroll’s modular content design training
Content design training at Scroll is modular and bespoke. It can be modified to fit the needs of different content and comms teams. This is what we learned delivering the content design training to a team in local government.
A crit of design crits
A ‘crit’ - or critique - is a fundamental part of the content design process. How do you run a design crit that is fair, productive and effective for everyone on your team?
Not at ease with bureaucratese
We know the passive voice and formal vocabulary make our content inaccessible to millions of users. These include those with low literacy, neurodiversity and learning disabilities, as well as non-native users of English. So why is this stuff still all over our websites?
Content maturity: content design training (7 of 7)
This content training module from Scroll focuses on what a high-performing content team might look like, including the organisation of a content team, prioritising existing content over new, and measuring success.
Managing content: content design training (6 of 7)
Three of Scroll’s new content training modules focus on managing content as a strategic asset. They will help your team to measure and manage content through its lifecycle.
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